World Voice Day 2024
Discover all the scheduled events
Smell and taste
In these two years, like never before, these two essential senses, yet generally little considered and even less valued, have come to the fore. Only in 2004 Richard Axel and Linda B Buck received the Nobel Prize for Medicine "for discoveries in the field of olfactory receptors and the organization of the olfactory system." That is to say that we are still working to fully understand this sense of ours. Let’s clarify some points.
National Mother Tongue Day - 2nd post of 2
February 21, World Mother Language Day
Importance of the vocal tract and its controls in wind musicians
(NOT) only candies - Herbs activities, interactions, cross reactions
To mask or not to mask?
UEP 2023 - Antalya Phoniatrics Congress, 30th UEP Congress
Vox Politica, vocis feminarum
The melting pot of Voice
Please participate in our survey GCCR!
The Scientific Method and Doctor Google
Do the ears go on holiday?
40! But do I look them?
Let's talk of voice. 3 - My Voice DOES NOT exist!
We just lacked smallpox!
Visualize the effectiveness of the singer's work
Science and Art of the Voice Conference - 22 aprile 2022
What is restorable and what is not
There are droplets and droplets
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